The Power of Self-Talk

Originally posted on The Deluded Cyclist:
Self-talk, simply talking to yourself, is an aspect of cycling which can have positive and negative effects on your performance. Negative self-talk, saying things to yourself such as “I don’t have the legs today” or “I won’t make it up that hill” can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Positive…

The Safety in Numbers Effect

Originally posted on THE INFO MONKEY:
Does the chance of a cyclist being involved in a fatal accident increase as the number of cyclists on the road increases? The answer may surprise you. While the raw number of cycling fatalities does increase as the number of cyclists on the road increases, the chance that any one of…

So Busy….

Sorry for my brief absence. I’ve had a whirlwind going on. The storm has calmed to a nice little breeze, now. Hope all is well with you ladies and gents. I’ve been able to do physical therapy. Hips are feeling much better. So, the good news is I’ll be on my bike real soon. Hope…


Sorry for my hiatus. I’ve been really busy the last few days. Miss talking to you guys/ladies. I will be on later today to share my   inner ramblings with you.

Grocery Shopping

On the way out the door to go grocery shopping. This will be my first trip to set my frig with happy, healthy food. I would like to hear from you, what your favorite healthy meals are. I will share them, as well as what my choices for the week are upon my return. Thanks…

Which is best… Biking, Swimming, Walking, Running?

The last few days while rumbling around doing my daily activities, I’ve been tossing around this ageless question. What is the best exercise for you? Is it biking,swimming, walking, or running? There are groups of people that advocate for each one of these. Being the inquisitive person that I am. I set off on a…

On the Road to Recovery

As was mentioned in earlier post, I have been off my bike for a few months. During the recent weeks my doctor has diagnosed me with Bursitis in my hips, bad… We started treatment with physical therapy (going good I think) two weeks ago. Today is the big day though. Today is the day that…

My First Ride

Originally posted on Beaches & Brie:
Lights are off, I can barely see around me. The music is loud and it’s getting more intense by the second. I hear the instructor’s voice encouraging everyone to go harder and harder. I feel the air escaping my lungs, my legs are beat and I’m sweating profusely. I…

Five Reasons for Cyclists to Utilize Strava

Originally posted on San Luis Obispo Cycling Explorations:
As technology claims an increasing role amongst consumers, an appealing and interactive application, for cyclists, is Strava. The simplistic Strava logo. Photo credit: Singletrack World. Strava provides an array of neat features, for cyclists, to document and share personal workouts, while searching for new routes. While it…

How to choose a bike

Originally posted on Eliza Middleton:
26, 27.5, or 29? Tubes or tubeless? Carbon? Single or double chain ring? Women’s specific or unisex? Fox or Rockshox? Hard tail or dualie? A multitude of questions and to start with it can be incredibly overwhelming. When you want to invest in a bike, and not just a bike…